Sunday, December 5, 2010

Things are looking good

Tyler's bone scan showed NO findings. Woohoo! His surgery is on Tuesday to remove the tumor. I thought they were going to do the mIBG scan before the surgery, but they've decided to do it after. What I'm guessing that means is that they have that same peace I do and removing it will be the end of it because there are no more.

Some other things that are looking good is that it seems like my step-daughter Lyric is finally going to be in a school where she has a better chance of succeeding. She got suspended before Thanksgiving for 10 days and David found out this week that they weren't going to let her come back. I wanted her to be able to go to a school I found when we volunteered with my work to help build a playground. A quote in the article I found says "Diamond Community School, Inc. exists for the purpose of providing educational services for all children in grades K-12 with a specialized interest in children who are at risk for school failure due to learning disabilities, academic delays and social- economic challenges. The organization is a non-profit entity committed to providing an educational safety net for children to enable them to become productive, viable and self-sufficient contributors in society."  That's what I want for her. Unfortunately, her former school and David weren't able to have the paperwork in place to get her the scholarship she would need to attend that school starting in January. With David still out of work since Sept 2008 and still living at his mother's, he can't pay the tuition and I can't either. An alternative is the Horace Mann Academy, and she starts there on Monday.

Do I think this is the right place for her? Maybe. David took me with him for the tour and it's definitely not as inviting as Diamond, but I like the way they feel about their kids. The goal is to give them the skills to transition back to regular day school. They also don't believe in BAD kids and Lyric is not a bad kid, so that will be a nice change for her to have someone be able to see past the labels others have tried to put on her. We'll see what happens. One big possible wrench in the works is that Lyric's mom for some reason has decided that Lyric needs to be back with her.

One of the many, many problems with her going back with her mom is that she does not make sure that Lyric gets her meds. Lyric is not responsible enough to make sure she gets them herself and that makes for days and days of getting regulated again after messing with her brain chemistry like that. Plus, there are what I dare say after all I've learned on all the wonderful blogs I read about attachment, some attachment issues with her mom. Even though her mom has been, in my opinion, vile to her, I had a text message that Lyric forwarded to me (out of many) that says, "Why can't you be a mother to me? You're supposed to love me even when I do bad." I don't know if her mom saw it (she was threatening to block Lyric from her phone), but she never responded to it. It breaks my heart for her. On top of Lyric's bipolar disorder with ADHD  and ODD, she has a real anger issue, which brings us back to why she isn't allowed back in her school. It's a vicious cycle. I don't get to have any say and feel constantly frustrated by not being able to influence decisions very much. David has spent years in years dealing with things the same way and expecting different results. Isn't that considered the definition of insanity? Ugh!

Anyway, this is long enough now. Issues with David can wait for another post.

Have a BLESSED day!

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